New Initiative for the project
June 11th, 2012
Thanks to a generous donation recently received by Mary/Michael Pilgrims Way, the project is looking to buy a large van to be used as a support vehicle enabling us to lead groups walking stretches of the pilgrimage route. It is envisaged that these pilgrimage walks will in the first instance be of 5-7 day duration, for groups of up to 12 people.

Probably not our first choice vehicle
We will camp in order to keep down costs but also to enhance the sense of connection to the landscape through which we are walking. The van will be kitted out to provide us with a mobile kitchen and will also carry walkers tents and other equipment so that participants in the pilgrimage are able to travel light. The van will rendez-vous with us each evening at our planned campsite.
It is intended that these pilgrimage retreats will include space for ritual, story and poetry, silence, meditation and sharing to enrich and deepen the experience of journeying together along Mary/Michael Pilgrims Way.
Although the precise dates of the first pilgrimage cannot be finalised until we have purchased a vehicle, it is hoped that it will be this summer and will likely cover the route across Dartmoor, beginning at Brentor. If you would like to be kept informed of the plans for these group pilgrimages as they develop, please let us know.
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